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Get Active Small Grant Program 2022-25

Funding is available for statewide delivery of the Get Active Programs (GAP) to increase the engagement of people in physical activity, especially those living in disadvantaged areas in Tasmania.

The GAP is under licence to Womensport and Recreation Tasmania Inc. It is a flexible 10-week program that includes workshops and learning activities as well fun recreational activities in local communities.

A number of small grants are available to enable organisations to implement a GAP using a facilitator who has completed GAP training. Grant releases are advertised in the first week of January, May, and August. To add your name to the distribution email please contact the Program Manager at

Please find a link to the Get Active Program page here.

To find out about facilitator training workshops click here.

Funding is provided for the running of a GAP at a local level, as well as to support the running costs of activities included in the program. 


Funding can also be used to offset costs such as the required GAP facilitator training, advertising and promotion, resource development (e.g. printing, photocopying), telephone calls, supplementing costs of some activities, or to engage instructors and leaders for physical activities.


The funding can be used towards the cost of an externally contracted instructor or facilitator, but not for the purpose of paying the salary of an employee of your organisation.

The maximum that can be applied for is $800

Please find the application form here
Please find the grant guidelines here

Facilitators need to have completed GAP facilitator training. Information on our workshop can be found here


Now is a great time to look at training and upskilling yourself and your team! 

Please send completed submissions to the Program Manager at

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GAP group for training and grant adverti
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Funding Policy

Incorporated organisations are eligible to apply.  Organisations that are not an incorporated body will still be eligible to apply, under the auspices of an incorporated organisation.  


Our funding pool is limited. Applications indicating co-funding, in-kind support and/or partnerships with other organisations will be favourably considered.


Successful applicants will be required to provide a small grants program report, financial acquittal statement and declaration  within 30 days of completion of the program. The financial acquittal statement should verify how the money was spent and be signed off by a member of the auspicing body (if applicable). All unspent funds are required to be returned at that time.

For more information please contact the Program Manager at

Assessment Criteria

Proposals will be assessed under the following criteria:

  • How the need for the target group was identified

  • Whether the proposed program meets the objectives of GAP

  • Whether the program includes partnership/s with others

  • Whether the budget clearly states how the grant money will be expended

  • If the area is in the lower half of SEIFA ranking according to the Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage state decile

  • How the program may benefit participants and the local community

  • If the program is new: either to the area, for the organisation, or the facilitator

Other Conditions

  • It is essential that all the required forms are completed and returned to the Program Manager either at the conclusion of the program or beforehand if requested.


  • All promotional material relating to a Get Active Program funded by a small grant must acknowledge Womensport and Recreation Tasmania Inc.

This program has been made possible
by the provision of a grant from
Womensport and Recreation
Tasmania Inc.

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